Thursday, July 9, 2009


As a participant in the UW Madison college program I was in my writing class and the teacher asked us a question that I really questioned and had strong beliefs in. He asked, why do you belong at this University? Also how do we as women feel about people saying we don’t belong and that this college was only made for white males?
I know for a fact that I deserve to be here for starters I am a high school student that has good grades during the school year at Bradley Tech. I’m a all around athlete at school and also apart of student government for special events, I also volunteer at YMCAs, Day Camps, Group Homes, and with the elderly. I was also apart of another college program when I was in the sixth grade and it went threw 8th grade at Whitewater University, I belong in this college because I am hard working and determined to improve in anything that I can to accomplish my goals in my future college life. By going to this college I feel that it will further my communication and lawyer skills will expand and become more correct and fluent. Secondly I am a teenage girl that gives up most of her summer to come to Madison and learn more and extent my knowledge. I know that’s a big sacrifice but I take pride in myself and knowing that in capable of being great. My opinion is that it as brutal and painful as rape, because someone can take advantage of your education and it can even be you that does it to yourself. For example if you play around at school and not take things serious like learning people will pass you up, then when you get out here in the big would you will get kicked and pushed around because of your low education skills. That would also be something you will never for get because it will hurts to feel uneducated and it will in a mind frame of a dark place and that your not smart enough to be anything in life. I Jhazmne Borum refuse to let someone take the precious gift of pride and being able to learn from me, I control all of that and will take full advantage of learning t better myself. If you were to ask another teenage person do they want to go to school in the summer they would look the other way and say in to young tom be worrying that I have sometime.
The other question that I really don’t think is right that females didn’t have a place in Madison or in school at all because it was made for white men. For the start men are not smarter than all women my opinion is that women in some cases are smarter than men, but there are some very smart men. Also and this is a fact that since women have been in school there’s a higher graduation in the women category then men. Also why shouldn’t females have a fair chance like men do, to my knowledge the Declaration of Independences it says, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.” That indicates that we all are entitled to have a fair chance among all human beings.
In conclusion, I plan to enroll in this college to bring positive energy and education skills that will benefit my future and me as well my school. This college would be a big benefit in my life because I think that it will push me into being the best even better.


  1. Like I said, you have a strong voice. There is determination and courage within you. It is not easy to stay on top of the world and remain independent without the world pushing you around. You seem determined not to let outside forces dictate what you do. Your discourse here is one of personal pride and challenge. That is going to serve you well. If you have any time, go back and make quick edits to this piece--break it into paragraphs--if you want--so that it is easier to read. Did you get any of the other I Belong pieces written? Remember, you are a writer, a thinker, and courageous person.


  2. it looks out like you really help out the community!! thats really cool because i like to help out to. As for the the positive energy, you always give good vibes. i like your writting and good job.
